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Official announcements and media coverage of our major projects and milestones.
Fifteenfortyseven Critical Systems Realty Commissions New Suite At Orangeburg, NY Data Center
ORANGEBURG, NY – September 7, 2016 –  fifteenfortyseven Critical Systems Realty (1547), a leading developer and operator of custom designed data centers, announces commissioning…
Telecom Exchange June 22, 2016 Lauren Lemoi live on JSATV discussing fifteenfortyseven’s latest updates, including our new Chicago data center and colocation service offering.…
AlohaNAP Enhances Connectivity To Mainland Cloud Services
Private Network Connections available to AWS, Azure and Google Cloud Platforms KAPOLEI, HI – January 18, 2016 – AlohaNAP, fifteenfortyseven Critical Systems Realty’s (1547) premier…
Fifteenfortyseven Critical Systems Realty Receives ‘Power To Grow’ Economic Development Incentive Rate At Orangeburg Data Center
Orange & Rockland Utilities Rate Provides a 20% Discount Off Electrical Delivery   ORANGEBURG, NY –January 14, 2016 – fifteenfortyseven Critical Systems Realty (1…
AlohaNAP CEO To Speak At Chamber Of Commerce Hawaii State Of The Economy Panel
Chamber Week Panel to Provide 2016 Forecast for Hawaii and Global Economy KAPOLEI, HI –January 12, 2016 – AlohaNAP, fifteenfortyseven Critical Systems Realty’s (1547) premier enter…
Fifteenfortyseven Critical Systems Realty Welcomes Additional Carriers To Orangeburg Data Center
New Carrier Options Serve Clients in the Tri-State Region and Beyond  ORANGEBURG, NY –October 13, 2015 – fifteenfortyseven Critical Systems Realty (1547), a leading devel…
Fifteenfortyseven Critical Systems Realty To Develop 230,000 Sq Ft Building In Downtown Chicago
Firm will invest over $130 million in historic facility to meet wholesale datacenter demand in Chicago market CHICAGO, IL –September 16, 2015 –  fifteenfortyseven Critical Systems…
1547 Critical Systems Realty Hires Brian Oley As Senior Financial Analyst
New position at fifteenfortyseven will help growing development firm identify new markets and business opportunities JULY 9, 2015 – DALLAS, TX – fifteenfortyseven Critical Systems Realty (“1547…
AlohaNAP Data Center And Interconnection Facility Joins Roster At International Telecoms Week 2015 In Chicago
Infrastructure provider, fifteenfortyseven Critical Systems Realty, will exhibit advantages of their AlohaNAP facility for Pacific region businesses KAPOLEI, HI – MAY 11, 2015 – fifteenforty…
New York Data Center Grand Opening A Success!
Yesterday, May 5th, 2015, 1547 Critical Systems Realty hosted a grand opening celebration at the company’s new flagship data center facility in Orangeburg, New York. The event was a rousing suc…