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5 Reasons Why Colocation Is Your IT Answer

Is your company ready to make the move from in-house servers to a shared data center environment such as colocation? What are the things you need to consider when analyzing an outsourced data center solution? Below are 5 reasons colocation is the right answer for your growing business.

Cost Savings – Building your own data center can translate to big CAPEX spending. Colocation provides an environment for fixed OPEX and cost structures that are planned and predictable. Colocation is less expensive for businesses because the infrastructure and staff is already in place.

Higher Reliability and Uptime – Redundant power supply and emergency backup generators keep data centers up and running 100% of the time. A business interruption can cost a company $5,600 per minute. Your business can simply not afford to be offline. Colocation at a data center provide a 100% uptime benefit that also secures peace of mind.

Greater Flexibility and Scalability – Your business is going to grow, when and by how much is the unknown. With colocation, you can quickly scale up your infrastructure needs in-line with your growth. Adding to your infrastructure is cost efficient because a colocation facility is configured to provide additional capacity as their customers need it.

Increased Security and Support – 24/7/365 security at colocation data centers is essential. These facilities are extremely secure and equipped with perimeter fences, mantraps, biometrics, and CCTV camera systems. Security is a critical component in protecting your data. In addition to security, data centers also provide a high level of support to its customers that is available 24/7/365. Services such as remote hands, monitoring, and maintenance give customers the onsite support they need to alleviate their IT staff’s work load.

Improved Disaster Recovery Planning – You never know when a disaster will strike. Implementing a Disaster Recovery plan with colocation insures your business is always up and running. The redundancy and uptime that data centers provide offer a good solution for storing and backing-up your mission critical information. Another key factor of a successful Disaster Recovery strategy is office space. The colocation data center solution provides office space for lease on-demand to keep your employees working though any unforeseen disaster (natural or manmade).

If these 5 reasons helped you confirm that colocation is right for your organization or you are ready to learn more, contact 1547 today to learn how you can create a customized colocation solution at our data center facility.